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Price for both the bead is $69.
MIDDLEBORO &8212; Created exclusively for a H.B.Burkland-Memorial Early Childhood Center PTA fundraiser by Earths Elements Jewelry, Hometown Beads are a one of a kind collectors item. They are sterling silver and are a replica of the Entering Middleboro sign. This all sterling silver bead comes with a free glass bead in black and orange to represent the colors of Middleboro.
Local PTA fundraiser offers Hometown Bead pta fundraiser,These beads are created specifically to fit all Legacy, Pandora, Chamilia and Troll brand bracelets and are available for purchase through the HBB-MECC PTA, or can be purchased directly at Earths Elements Hidden Treasures &8212; Lakeport Industrial Park (across from Muckeys Liquors) on Rte. 44 in Lakeville. Proceeds from the sale of these beads will help the local PTA fulfill their commitment to enriching the educational experience of Middleboro students.
Kim Mulgrew, PTA member and Earths Elements specialist, says she brought this idea to her local PTA because its more than a fundraiser. The popularity of these bracelets combined with the sentimental value of the Hometown Bead makes it the perfect gift item that will appeal to so many Middleboro residents - past, present and future. Whpta fundraiserether buying it for yourself, a friend or mily member whos proud of their town and heritage, this bead is great for Mothers Day, Birthdays, teachers gifts and especially graduation gifts. The ct that youre also helping your community with this purchase is really just a bonus. For more information or to purchase the Hometown bead, contact Kim Mulgrew atKim.Local PTA fundraiser offers Hometown Bead pta [email protected] call her at 508-372-0524.
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